
The feeling called love

All five fingers are not the same is being told to us since we were kids.When you stand infront of a mirror,you see a replica of your physical self.But does the mirror also reflect back your soul?Every person in this world has at some point of time experienced love in some form or the other. From the peace makers to the peace breakers ,they have all experienced love at least once in a lifetime.So why is this basic necessity of life misunderstood and misinterpreted the most ? Every single mind works in an unique way and advocates emotions within its own boundaries.You don't have to be special to be loved or love.Love doesn't differentiate between colour or gender,it doesn't ponder over living or dead.It is an emotion with no boundaries.It is like a free bird to soar amidst the clear blue sky basking in the sun.If love is indeed such a wonderful feeling then why is it so difficult to stay in love?Why does it hurt so bad?Sadly,love which is incorporated within us doesn't